In Kenya, a key element of the project is the training of local technicians. This provides them with skills and ability to maintain the nano-grid and ensure that the system and its benefits can be sustained independently by the community
The technicians have gained a vast number of diverse skills, including the abilities to:
- Strip down mill motors, replace carbon brushes, repair burnt out cables, greasing bearings
- Install, extend and repair household wiring kits
- Build new furniture for the hub
- Top-up SIM cards, copy data from SD card and restart data logger when battery flat
- Diagnose faulty chargers and repair standard failures (burnt out regulators/fuses, slightly over-discharged cells)
- Travel independently between Echareria and Lemolo B and work collaboratively
- Record all activity in maintenance log
- Identify new business opportunities
- Troubleshoot basic problems on MCB/LCB
- Replace faulty system components and source most widely available (cables, fuses, etc.
In Bangladesh, there are currently no technicians in place. The partners in Bangladesh (Grameen) have more of a role in the maintenance of the nano-grids. There is currently discussion about introducing a ‘caretaker’ figure to the sites in Bangladesh to provide the community with more ownership of the project.

Community technician in Lemolo B fitting homes with necessary equipment to access the nano-grid

Community technicians in Kenya