Kenya: Lemolo B and Echareria in Nakuru County
Kenya has some of the highest annual averages of sunlight in the world, therefore, if efficiently accessed and utilised, sunlight has the potential to be a critical driver of economic development. This is consistent with research, which shows that the solar market in Kenya is among the largest and most dynamic per capita amid developing countries.
In Kenya, the communities were more dispersed than those in Bangladesh, so rather than implementing costly and lengthier transmission lines, a central nano-grid hub was created as a battery storage and re-charging facility.
As part of the project, a small number of community members are trained in solar panel operation and maintenance. In Kenya, the SONG project has created jobs for technicians and watchmen. Further information on the stories of people in these communities can be found in the resources section.
Community technician Duncan helping install nano-grid in Echareria
Battery repair workshop using repair manual